Women in Remodeling Conversations

Following this year’s virtual Women in Remodeling Event 2020+ there was a resounding call for “more” from the experience! Across the board, attendees wanted to find ways to keep the connections and the discussions going. With a little inspiration from one of our women’s event advisors, Allison Iantosca of F. H. Perry Builder, a new program was created. Starting in March we launched the Women in Remodeling Conversations – a monthly small group discussion forum where professionals can gather to exchange ideas, best practices, and inspiration with peers.

In the March session, attended by more than a dozen members, the idea of masculine and feminine leadership traits was unpacked. The group explored how “feminine” leadership traits – those that lead with the heart – offer great value in nurturing and growing employees. Across the board, however, it was noted that each person possesses both masculine and feminine leadership qualities, and the key to success is understanding the balance between the two. As you honor the approach that each person brings, you learn that there is not just one way to lead. Rather, the key is in knowing how to shift from leading with the heart to leading with the head and back–to better serve clients and employees.

The April dialogue expanded on this theme and posed the question “what do we want to see going forward?” and “what do we want to see change in our companies?” Participants prepared for the conversation by reading an article entitled, “An Everyone Culture: Becoming a Deliberately Developmental Organization” by Robert Keegan and Lisa Lahey. At the core, so many people in traditional companies waste time pretending to be someone other than who they are to meet expectations. The question was asked “how do we reinvent organizations so that everyone shows up authentically and puts their energy into their work rather than in meeting expectations.”  The conversation touched on a recent Brené Brown podcast that explored how emotional stoicism stifles growth, and trust, and vulnerability. The group explored how organizations might change if everyone was encouraged to be vulnerable, the outcomes of discussions were not predetermined, and if trust among colleagues was a given. Employees might give more, and companies might grow more.

Join the group each month on the second Thursday to be part of these conversations that explore how honoring the authentic nature of each person as a leader can make a profound impact on an organization.

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