The Crucible

Posted by Justin Zeller, CR, Red House Custom Building, President of EM NARI and Chair of Marketing/PR Committee

In times of uncertainty and fear, it is easy to lose sight of hope. In just a short few weeks we have lost our sense of financial security, assurance in our physical health, and the stability our everyday routines and rituals brought us. Some of you may feel an overwhelming feeling of disorientation and grief.

Yet, here we are, and I need to remind myself that this too shall pass. What will this time of pain and suffering teach us about ourselves and how we live? What priorities will rise to the top and which will we abandon as frivolous and unimportant? 

Neither as an organization, individuals, nor businesses, can we fully forecast how this virus is going to impact our lives. But now, and as the future unfolds, we have embarked on an experience that is changing us, and the change hurts. It reminds me of the crucible, a time of severe trial, where we are subjected to stresses and circumstances that change the nature of what our businesses are. We entered this crucible comfortable with one way of doing business and being remodelers. On the other side, we will emerge as different individuals and businesses. Now, in the middle of it, we show our grit as we undergo this painful change and acclimate. Adapting, surviving, and thriving in this new paradigm will forge in us a better and stronger connection to each other and to the work that we do.

In March we began a change in how we interact with each other, demonstrating a new interpretation of the word we’ve known as Team. This moment will become a reflection point in our personal histories. This will be known as the time when a team was not a group that communes together and shares space together. It was when we learned how to work together, while separate. To work as one, while separate and in pieces; share one vision, while looking at different surroundings. We will look back on it as a time when we all collectively took stock of our practices, our approach to human interaction, our duty as good citizens, and our work as designers and builders. 

And thank goodness we have this community of folks at EM NARI to lean on. Already we’ve been pulled together by virtual meetings, group emails, and even Zoom meditation. Shoulder to shoulder we will weather the new “normal.” Our collective knowledge, experience, and strength will help support and bolster those that need it the most.



Red House Custom Building

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