President’s Message

By Eric Adams, Adams + Beasley Associates

I hope everyone is doing well, and enjoying the summer as it flies by! This month, as I digest all kinds of media inputs and process many recent conversations I’ve been having with a broad range of people about the economy, my proxy for how strong our workflow will be, I thought I would share where my head is. The simple truth is that I have no idea.  

This time of year usually kicks off a flurry of activity in our industry, as people come back from vacations and kids are getting ready to start school, and they realize the improvements they want or need to make to their homes aren’t going to design and build themselves.  While we have been experiencing some of that in our business, and hoping for more to follow in the next couple months, there is also an undercurrent of anxiety and more conflicting data points about the larger economy than I think I have ever seen.  With that kind of uncertainty, my plan is to circle back to the basics that have yielded success in the past, and it all starts with face to face meetings.  Don’t get me wrong, Zoom has transformed how efficient we can be with our time, but it is really hard to build and strengthen personal connections virtually.  Our businesses, at their core, are about building trust and persuading clients and partners to buy from us, and that starts with connections. 

Recently I have been reaching out to a number of people that I haven’t spoken with for many years, and meeting up for coffee, lunch, a drink, and even dinner.  These meetings have invigorated me and reminded me that while we are in business to build beautiful things and solve complex personal problems for others, it is the way that we approach our work that matters most.  Our businesses after all, are a reflection of ourselves, and taking time to appreciate why people have chosen us in the past is likely the same reason others will in the future.  So, as I think about the fall and try to interpret what the “tea-leaves” are saying, my advice to everyone is to focus on your personal connections.  Go visit someone’s office, take them out for lunch, get to know them better and see how you can help each other.  I believe that mutual benefit is the most elegant form of relationship building, so figure out ways to help others and be honest about what you want from them.  I look forward to seeing everyone soon, perhaps at our exciting event on September 6th at JB Sash, or perhaps just for a one-on-one cup of coffee!  Until then, I am sending positive energy for a busy, rewarding, and dynamic second half of the year to all of you!


Eric Adams

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