Meet Mike Waite

Posted by Mike Waite, Executive Director of PRO New England


My name is Mike Waite, the new Executive Director for PRO New England. I am proud to join such a dynamic team of leaders dedicated to the organization and industry. I am not new to professional remodeling associations, just new to the Boston/New England market. Previously, I served as Executive Director for NARI of Greater Charlotte from 2011 to 2020, including three years on the national board of directors and five years facilitating the Chapter Revitalization Program. Charlotte is a similar-sized market with many of the same opportunities and dynamics that we see in Massachusetts. The makeup of the membership is similar, as well. I am and have been involved in several Boards of Directors for various local, regional, and national charitable organizations so I understand the non-profit model.

While we are figuring it out, I will continue to live in North Carolina and will spend time in the Boston area each month, including board meetings, member meetings, and all PRO New England events. I will do my best to meet each member to get familiar with member needs, expectations, and makeup so that WE can deliver value to your membership.

Even though I was born in Michigan, I have been in North Carolina most of my life. I live in a 112-year-old country farmhouse in Midland, NC, have been married to the same woman (Regina) for 35+ years, and have six children (and two dogs).

Professionally, I have only had a few jobs, about ten years each. After college (UNC-Charlotte/BS in Economics), I was a project manager for an environmental engineering firm, owned my own company offering Corporate Team Building and Leadership Training, and joined NARI Charlotte.

Prior to accepting this role with PRO New England, I joined our Board of Directors for a Strategic Planning Session in December as a facilitator. It was vital that we identify not only our goals and desired success but our plan and path to get there. We are committed to delivering true value to our members and making membership, participation, and support a “good business decision” for each of our members. We want you ALL to be successful and are committed to providing the resources, education, and professional network necessary to achieve your goals, as well.

How can you help? Two ways to start. Communicate and volunteer. Communicate – Let us know when you’ve got something going on in the market that is affecting your business, whether it be a positive trend or an obstacle. We want to share information and provide solutions, expertise, and resolutions when necessary. Volunteer – We have numerous committees tied to events and efforts and can always use help making it happen successfully. Join the team!

All that to say, “I’m proud to be part of PRO New England, and I’m here to help you in your pursuits of further success.”

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