TradesUp Inc. Scholarship Fund

Rise to the Vocation!

TradesUp awards two scholarships annually: the PRO New England Member Scholarship and the James Marcotte Career Kickstarter Award for students planning to pursue a career in the trades. Both programs are funded through member donations to support the educational goals of local youth. Scholarship applications are accepted starting January 1st through mid-April each year. (See the application for deadlines.)



TradesUp will present a Career Kickstarter package to secondary school graduating senior who has committed to entering a career in the remodeling industry. The package includes both a basic toolset and a financial award intended to be used for training, tools, transportation, etc. The goal is to facilitate starting a career in the trades! The criteria used for selection may include but are not limited to academic achievement, community involvement, need, and the general essay from the application.

Award decisions made by the panel of judges are final.


Please compile two copies of the following documents:

  • Completed application
  • School transcript
  • Activity profile or separate resume
  • General essay (250 words or fewer)
  • Two letters of recommendation, (1) Teacher & (1 Personal or Employer)
  • Signed Affidavit attesting commitment to enter the profession upon graduation (see last page).

To Apply: Applications must be mailed directly to the TradesUp / PRO Scholarship Committee, PRO New England, 831 Beacon Street #186, Newton Centre, MA 02459 or emailed to Please put “TradesUp Career Kickstarter Award” as the subject of the email.

Timing: All applications must be postmarked or emailed no later than midnight on Wednesday, April 9, 2025, and must contain all requested information. Late/incomplete packages are automatically disqualified. Awardee(s) will be notified in late April 2025.



TradesUp will award a scholarship to a high school graduating senior who has been accepted as a full-time student to an accredited college or university in any program of study. The applicant must be the child or sibling of an employee at a PRO New England Member Company. The PRO New England Member Company needs to have been an active member for at least 12 months as of June 1st and be a member in good standing.

The criteria used for selection may include but are not limited to, academic achievement, need, community involvement, and the general essay from the application.

Scholarship money is intended to be used for educational purposes only. Candidates may only apply for one scholarship (either the PRO New England Member Scholarship, or the James Marcotte Career Kickstarter, but not both).

The decision made by the panel of judges is final.


Please compile two copies of the following documents:

  • Completed application
  • School Transcript
  • Activity profile or separate resume
  • General Essay (250 words or less)
  • Two letters of recommendation, (1) Teacher & (1 Personal or Employer)
  • A letter of acceptance from an accredited college or university.

To Apply: Application packets must be mailed directly to the TradesUp / PRO Scholarship Committee, PRO New England, 831 Beacon Street #186, Newton Centre, MA 02459 or, emailed to Please put “TradesUp PRO Member Scholarship” as the subject of the email.

Timing: All applications must be postmarked or emailed no later than midnight on Wednesday, April 9, 2025, and must contain all requested information. Late/incomplete packages are automatically disqualified. Awardee(s) will be notified in late April 2025.