About PRO New England
We are the Professional Remodeling Organization New England. We serve remodelers, full-service contractors, design-build firms, manufacturers and suppliers, distributors, subcontractors, vendors and service providers, and other professionals who support the professional remodeling industry.
Our organization has an engaged, supportive membership that participates in the activities created for members, students, and guests. We interact with one another in a collegial manner.
Testimonials from members affirm their positive experiences, such as this one from Justin Zeller, former President of PRO New England, and President, Red House Design Build:
“It’s been important for Red House that I’ve been involved with PRO New England. When I joined, I didn’t know the difference between markup and margin. I didn’t have a yearly budget set for our company (and I didn’t know a company needed one…) I’d just hired my first overhead employee. Even though I was quite overwhelmed by it all, I was determined and driven by a vision of the future, and by my passion for this craft we share as professional remodelers.” Read More.
This website offers details on learning opportunities and membership benefits and events for industry professionals as well as information for homeowners.
Our mission is to hold fast to the values enumerated below.
PRO Pledge
We are professionals. We are PRO.
We are responsible:
- To our clients: to be honest, ethical, and competent in all we do for them
- To our employees: to provide safe and rewarding workplaces, free of discrimination
- To our fellow members: to act as colleagues, not competitors, and to lift each other up
- To our communities: to be the positive and trusted face of our industry
- To our natural and built environment: to be good stewards of both
- And to our industry: to ensure its growth and good health
PRO New England’s Mission and Values
PRO’s mission is to advance and promote professionalism in the remodeling industry. Our members demonstrate PRO’s core values and the highest standard of ethics:
Ethical and honest; committed to high standards
Diverse and respectful; inclusive of many views and dedicated to free expression
Informed and knowledgeable; resourceful and flexible
Member Focused:
Focused on the importance of success, return on investment, and profit lives
PRO New England Code of Ethics
Each member is pledged to observe high standards of honesty, integrity, and responsibility in the conduct of business:
- By promoting in good faith only those products and services which are known to be functionally
and economically sound, and which are known to be consistent with objective standards of health and safety.
- By making all advertising and sales promotion factually accurate, avoiding those practices which tend to mislead or deceive the customer.
- By writing all contracts and warranties such that they comply with federal, state, and local laws.
- By promptly acknowledging and taking appropriate action on all customer complaints.
- By refraining from any act intended to restrain trade or suppress competition.
- By attaining and retaining insurance as required by federal, state, and local authorities.
- By attaining and retaining licensing and/or registration as required by federal, state, and local authorities.